Warning! I’m about to get emotional people! The matriarch of our family was my Nana, she barely spoke a word of English but everyone loved her, as a kid I used to get so jealous when other children would sit on her knee for cuddles and sweets “she’s MY Nana!” I’d say to myself. She never came home without a present for me (no matter how small). I still have a teddy she got me over 25 years ago.
She loooved life! She had so many fabulous clothes, glamorous wigs and don’t get me started on her stunning jewellery collection. I just wanted to be like her. She would always go through the family albums showing me pictures of her in the 60s and 70s or even way back when she was a teenager in the village in her home country Ghana. There was always a fascinating story behind each image and she had tons of pictures of me as a baby.
I always wanted to organise a family portrait but never got round to it. I was buried in assignments for uni, then when I started working, and the family branched out and moved away.. we just never got round to it.
When she passed away (seriously holding back the tears here), my biggest regret was not organising that damn shoot. Hardly any of my family takes proper pictures especially now we have smart phones.
When I miss her the most, I look through her pictures and I can’t explain the amount of comfort it brings me.

If you’re like most people, you’ve thought about family portrait photography but it just hasn’t happened. Too busy, need to have my hair done, roots are showing, when I lose 10 more pounds, it’s hard to get everyone together… Not to try to guilt trip you but I want to save you living with the same regrets I have.
All too often we forget about our past because we are so busy building our futures. Our children grow up too fast! In the blink of an eye they are packing their bags and going off to Uni. Gone are the days of the little pitter-patters of feet walking toward the bedroom door to wake us up at 6 in the morning.
When children are younger, having a portrait of the family done each year is a great way to document the progress each of them is making as they grow. As children grow up they find their own lives and move away.
Take advantage of the time you have together while you have it by having family pictures taken by a professional photographer. It’s a sweet reminder of life together.
Pictures are a part of our legacy. In years to come, grandchildren and great-grandchildren may someday ask to see pictures of the family, and wouldn’t it just be sad if there were few or none to share?
Don’t let life pass and look back, wondering why you didn’t take the time to have family pictures taken. Don’t make excuses or put it off any longer. You can’t go back in time for a redo, so avoid setting yourself up for an “I wish” situation.

If you’ve been thinking about having a family portrait taken, do it. Do it for your children. Your children won’t notice the roots, a few extra pounds, a smile line or wrinkles, but we guarantee they will be disappointed when they are older and there are no family photos to share with their children. They just want to spend time with you so but the dishes down and spend some quality time.
Ok enough of this soppy stuff…

Family get together!
Let’s have some fun.